Thursday, October 12, 2006

It's a Personal Thing

In the late 1980's there was a Christian Rocker named Steve Taylor. I liked his music a lot. Today I don't subscribe to the same theology as I did in the late 80's, but after an energizing class discussion on torture and the new detainee bill this song came to mind. I thought I'd share it.

It's A Personal Thing
Steve Taylor - 1985

The press conference
It's a personal thing, and I find it odd
you would question my believing in a personal God
I'm devout, I'm sincere, ask my mother if you doubt it
I'm religious, but I'd rather not get radical about it
the old-time believers had timidity and grace
but this new generation doesn't know its place
you're entitled to believe, but the latest Gallup Poll
says you mustn't interfere--that's the government's role

'Cause when you throw your hat in the bullring
before you know it's a personal thing
and when he comes to the day of reckoning
he's gonna tell 'em, "uh, uh, uh, it's a personal thing"

The nomination speech
It's a personal thing, and I boldly state
that my views on morality will have to wait
'til my personal life's out of the public eye
and the limitations statue can protect my alibi
I'm devout, I'm sincere, and I'm proud to say
that it's had exactly no effect on who I am today
I believe for the benefit for all mankind
in the total separation of church and mind


The victory night
It's a personal thing, and I plainly speak
(from the same code of ethics that I held last week)
as I promised if elected this election day
with the help of God almighty...I'll do it my way


Becky said...

I'm not familiar with this artist but echo the thoughts raised in the lyrics. Some of the music that has carried me through includes: "Familes" and "Flags of Freedom," by Neil Young; "Justice Means," by Dakota Road; "Help Me See," by Marques Bovre; "Some Say" by Jeshua Ericson; "I Hope," by the Dixie Chicks; "Holding Up the Light," by Christopher Grundy; "I'll Stand With You," by Bryan Sirchio.

Wonder how much of our theology could be determined by our playlists?!

AnnMarie Kneebone said...

song lyrics are hugely important to me in expressing and developing my theology. my partner and i spent several hours a few months ago making a mixed cd - it's like a worship / inspirational cd that includes Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash, John Mellancamp, Holly Near, U2, Mindy Smith, .... and so on. It's the first of I hope several cds that we'll make.