Monday, May 24, 2010


Today my mother would have turned 72 years old. In honour of her birthday, I drank lots of coffee. Yes, I was fully caffeinated all day. Coffee was her beverage of choice until she last went to the hospital. She liked it with powder creamer because it didn't cool the coffee. Only burning hot coffee would do. As much as I love my mother, today was an ice coffee day for me. Sorry Mom. I think she'd be okay with that. She would think me crazy ... but she'd be okay with that too.

Here are a few things my mom taught me.

If you can make something fun, do it. For instance, polishing a newly waxed floor is hard work. Instead, have the kids polish the floor by donning their feet with old socks and letting them skate their hearts out.

It isn't cheaper to use a coupon if you spend more money in gas going to that special story than the worth of the coupon.

Cheap jewelry needs more special care than expensive jewelry. This was her dying lesson to me. I didn't understand her very well at first. It might have been the morphine that she was on, but it was probably my ignorance of jewelry. Finally I understood ... don't wash your hands while wearing your costume jewelry.

Take naps

Read fun books

Continue to be amazed at wonderful things, even if they grow ordinary. Be amazed for your whole life. Have you seen hundreds of deer in the backyard? Has that grown ordinary? It shouldn't. Having deer roam about in your backyard is nothing short of amazing.

Be kind as often as you can. Avoid gossip.

Sniff out a garage sale. Buy from second hand stores.

Trust God.

******* Happy Birthday, Mom!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a beautiful tribute. You have learned well, and I love seeing you live out what you have learned.

She was right about the coffee.