Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Poem about Rhythm

Here's the first draft of a poem I am writing. I'm not sure when I'll get back to it so I thought I would post it to get it out there ...

There's a Rhythm

There's a rhythm to the city
the traffic lights
horns honking syncopated
with the dance of obscene gestures
crossing of streets
catching of buses and trains and cabs

There's a rhythm to the body
lungs breathing
heart beating
toes tapping
skin shedding
eyes blinking and nail biting

There's a rhythm to Earth
wind blowing
rivers flowing
birds building nests
squirrels hiding nuts
lion stalking prey and
prey listening, gathering and running

There's a rhythm to our exploitation of Earth
oil pumps pounding out her blood
clothing her surface with pavement
filling her body with refuse
machine aninmals ritually led to


Lynn Young said...

I cannot read this enough times.. there's a rhythm... to my returning...

Lynn Young said...

I cannot read stop reading this... there's a rhythm... to my returning...