Monday, February 07, 2011

"Deepening the Welcome" Saturday, February 19 in Chicagoland

I was sent this email via the CCWC elist. If I was in Chicago I would certainly consider going!

"Deepening the Welcome"
workshop to be held in Chicago, Saturday, February 19

The Chicago Chapter of Lutherans Concerned and the Metropolitan Chicago Synod Justice Team are offering a day of workshops called:

“Deepening the Welcome: Living out Jesus’ Welcome for GLBTQ People in Our Congregations.”

The event will explore the theme: All are welcome: What does this mean in your congregation? What does it mean to be explicitly welcoming to GLBTQ members already in congregations and those looking for a place to worship?

People at every stage of the conversation about GLBTQ inclusion, including those who have never addressed such topics in their congregations, are invited.

The folks in Chicago have put together a whiz-bang line-up of speakers and workshop leaders. (See the workshop descriptions below.)

Please go here for more info and to register. Cost is $10 per person (includes a lovely lunch) or $30 for a group of 4 or more from the same congregation/organization that register together. Pre-registration helps the planners be sure there is lunch for everyone! If cost is an issue or you have other questions, contact the Rev. Carla Thompson Powell.

Also, please see the Facebook page.

Workshop Descriptions

Rev. Dr. Richard Perry. KEYNOTE: Dimensions of a Whosoever Church John 3:16-17. Opening keynote address by Dr. Perry, LSTC Professor of Church and Society and Urban Ministry. When Jesus says, “whosoever believes in me”, what does he really mean?

Bishop Wayne Miller: Coming out in Mission as a Welcoming Congregation. The bishop of the Metro Chicago Synod hosts a conversation about how a congregation can step out in mission as a welcoming church and what missional opportunities might be now open to us.

Emily Eastwood: Beginning the Conversation in Congregations. The Executive Director of Lutherans Concerned/North America leads an engaging workshop on how to begin, renew and sustain the conversation about welcome and full participation. Bring your questions.

Dr. Klaus Peter Adam: A Biblical Basis for Welcome: Neither Man nor Woman in Christ. Information, motivation, and application from Galatians 3:28. Dr. Adam engages the biblical text, and gives some practical strategies.

Pocha Carter, Group Health Educator (HIV Prevention Program) at PCC Community Wellness Center in Oak Park : Supporting our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Youth. In this anti-bullying workshop, you will get tools to be an ally to these young people and provide support, curb harassment in your environment, and how we can best support their needs.

Pastor Keith Fry and others: Welcoming All Leaders. This panel discussion with Pastor Keith Fry (Christ the Lord, Elgin ) and others shares discoveries, hopes and hesitations in calling a partnered pastor or welcoming a seminarian to a field education site.

Caroline Staerk, field director at Equality Illinois: Marriage Equality. Come explore how pro-LGBTQ communities of faith and LGBTQ political advocates at Equality Illinois have been laying the groundwork for social and policy change (including passage of the civil union bill).

Pastor Melody Beckman Eastman: Reducing Conflict and Guiding Discernment: A Suburban Congregation's Journey to the Blessing of Unions. Pastor Eastman talks about the process and influences that brought St. Paul , Wheaton to hold same-gender blessing ceremonies in their church.

Noel Spain & Stephanie Dykes: Beyond Gay & Lesbian - Welcoming Bisexual and Transgender as Equal Identities within the GLBT Community. This workshop will focus on getting to know the Bisexual and Transgender community. This workshop will introduce you to members of the B&T communities, help inform you about what specific issues they face, and finally show you how to create a more welcoming space both in the church and society.

Pastor Carla Thompson Powell: Talking With Our Kids About Homosexuality. This very practical workshop will help parents and youth leaders learn and share how they address LGBTQ concerns with their youth.

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