Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Certain Type of Exodus - story collecting

A Certain Type of Exodus is the story of faith in the LGBTQ community. While many LGBTQ are people of faith, we struggle with how our religion views us. We struggle with how God sees us. We struggle to either walk away from the faith we have always known, or stay within our faith as a gay/lesbian/transgender member. Our stories of exodus give us the ability to find an accepting God, whether within our faith or not.

Loralei Matisse is currently collecting stories from LGBTQ members of different faith organizations to place within an anthology. The goal for this book will be to help open (and in many cases, continue) the conversations within faith community. It will also be part of a healing retreat designed by Ken Phillips (currently in concept phase). They both hope to heal the wounds we receive coming out in our faith - which can be more trying than coming out to family.

Please contact her at with questions or stories.


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