Thursday, November 30, 2006

Where two or more agree

Litany for World AIDS Day
modified from umc-gbcs

LEADER: in the midst of the long night, is there anyone who cares?

PEOPLE: We say the church cares.

LEADER: When relatives have died, is there anyone who cares?

PEOPLE: We say the church cares.

LEADER: When fingers point and tongues wag, is there anyone who cares?

PEOPLE: We say the church cares.

LEADER: In the struggle to find meaning and peace on the boundary of life and death, is there anyone who cares?

PEOPLE: We say the church cares.

LEADER: To the family whose son, daughter, father, mother, sister or brother has died of HIV/AIDS – is there anyone who cares

PEOPLE: We say the church cares.

LEADER: To the person who is HIV positive or has AIDS, is there anyone who cares

PEOPLE: We say the church cares.

ALL: We say the church cares. In the name of Jesus Christ, the church must care. In the name of Jesus Christ, the church does care. In the name of Jesus Christ, the church will care.


Bodewell said...

Dear AnnMarie, You are someone whom I admire. You have the courage of your convictions, and you have the technical ability to communicate beautifully. I wish you and your loved ones the most beautiful holidays and truly fulfilling new year.
Peace and true joy.

Nathan Dannison said...

Hey! I was just thinking about getting this phone.
Not that some stupid phone company needs my help advertising their stuff - but it looks like when you get the phone some of the money from your bill goes to fight AIDS and whatnot.

Just thought you might be interested, in light of your post here.

Keep up the good work, btw.